Thursday, September 22, 2011

s2c to vend at the Naputral Truth Hair Expo 9.24.11 @ NCCU

Subject 2 Change will be vending Natural Hair Themed apparel at the "Naptural Truth" Hair Care Educational Forum this Saturday, September 24 · 2:00pm - 6:00pm on the campus of NCCU.

Their event is more than just a natural hair meet-up, as their goal is to educate the Natural Hair Care community on promoting healthy growth and to answer any questions transitioning or current naturals may have. The event will consist of a question and answer panel of naturals with different hair textures and styles, a certified personal trainer who will discuss the importance of healthy eating and hair growth, discussions on the importance of moisture, sealing and many other topics.

Below are some pictures of the shirts that will be on sale at the event.

Here's the address for the event.

North Carolina Central University
Alphonso Elder Student Union
1801 Fayetteville Street
Durham, NC 27707

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